Adventure Sleep Away Camp
Please watch your email for updates on additional programming.
Get Ready for Fun, Challenge and Adventure
Adventure Camp is almost a week long experience (Sunday-Friday). This is a camp for mobile children as young as 9 years old and goes up to adults of any age. Adventure Camp is designed for co-ed activities. Campers lodge onsite at Snow Mountain Ranch (in Granby, CO) in cabins provided by the YMCA of the Rockies. Daily activities and lunch will be in a central cabin area, however, male and female campers will have separate sleeping quarters. Each cabin consists of rooms where between 2 and 4 campers sleep, depending on the number of beds. These cabins also have their own full restrooms (at least one on each floor), as well as full kitchens. Snacks and personal food for campers are held by Adam’s Camp staff and distributed to campers as needed.
Adventure camp is broken down into 4 teams: The Eagles and Timberwolves, which are campers under 18 years of age; and The Mountain Lions and Blackbears which are adults over 18 years of age.
What You Can Expect
This is our very popular summer camp. It is a week-long experience where your camper is dropped off on a Sunday at the YMCA of the Rockies in Granby, CO (address will be provided), and picked up on Friday.
When you register your camper, spots will open based on the age of your camper. Your camper can sign up for any of the weeks, but only 1 week in the summertime. Whichever week works best for your schedule. However, you also have the option to sign up on our waitlist for other weeks, and if any slots are available, then you may have the option to allow your camper to enjoy an additional week of Adventure Camp.
What Campers Learn at Adventure Camp
Campers begin the transition from relying completely on therapists and care providers to taking risks, making “supported” mistakes, problem solving, and learning how to effectively work toward independence.
Personal Growth Starts With a Plan.
At Adam’s Camp, it is our mission to help your camper to realize their potential while developing strengths. Working toward overcoming obstacles while highlighting successes will help your camper reach new heights on their way to independence.
Confidence for Growth
Confidence allows your camper to forget what they think their limits are, and take pride as they set a new bar for their personal growth. There are many amazing opportunities for campers to find their confidence here!
Independence is Encouraged Here
Success at Adam’s Camp is measured by independence. We encourage campers to work toward goals that will allow them to take more control of their daily life as we assist them throughout activities just enough to constantly challenge them to take that next leap toward personal growth.
Team Work
Camaraderie, teamwork and communication are key pillars to prepare campers for everyday, real world experiences. Communication in a safe space where campers can test the waters of groupthink to accomplish common goals is a major life skill they will take away from Adam’s Camp.
Courage is a State of Mind
Part of realizing potential comes from the conscious transition from “I can’t” to “I will.” We encourage all of our campers to find their inner sense of adventure as they face their challenges with a can-do attitude!
Check in will be on a Sunday evening at the YMCA of the Rockies Chapel (address etc, will be provided). After check in, you will be instructed to drop your camper off at their assigned teams main cabin. Once all the campers have arrived and had an opportunity to meet each other, the staff take the female campers’ luggage and move it to a separate cabin space, away from the male campers. Camper pick up will occur at the same cabin camper drop off occured and camper pick up will occur on Friday morning your camper’s week of camp. Drop off and pick up times will be specified as the summer camp season approaches.