For Parents
We have worked out all the details, so that Adam’s Camp is a treasured and therapeutic experience you and your camper will want to have each year.

Everything You Need to Know About Adam’s Camp
We’re as excited to have you at camp as your camper is to be there! We also know you that you want to be sure that Adam’s Camp is right for your child. Please explore the information on our site and get in touch to be confident that your child will get the attention and care they need.
Travel & Lodging
Our Therapy and Adventure Camps are hosted in the Rocky Mountains at Snow Mountain Ranch, in Granby, Colorado. There are several options for getting from Denver International Airport for those traveling from out of state, and both on-site and nearby accommodations for the entire family.
Adam’s Camp
Camper Family Communication
Required Paperwork Links Below
Submit paperwork to [email protected]
*Official Colorado Immunization Form (Required for all campers under 18)
*Adam’s Camp Physical and Medical Form A (Required for all overnight campers)
- Requires a doctor to complete and sign
- Use this form if you only have any medication changes after submitting the Adam’s Camp Physical and Medical Form (Form A).
Seizure Plan (Only required if one exists for your camper)
- Upload if it applies to your camper’s medication needs.
- The link provides a form to be used by your Doctor. Some Doctors provide the seizure information on their own form. Adam’s Camp will accept their form if it has all the same information as our form.
Behavior Plan (requested if one exists for your camper)
- Upload your campers BIP so we can use it to support your camper’s behaviors at camp in familiar ways.
- This document is provided by your school district. Adam’s Camp does not have a form.
Individual Education Plan (requested if one exists for your camper)
- Upload your campers IEP so we can use it to support your camper’s therapeutic progress at camp.
- This document is provided by your school district. Adam’s Camp does not have a form.
Camper Checkpoints
Early February: Scholarships are awarded. Applications closed January 15th, 2024.
March 15th: Full tuition is due! A late fee of $100 is added on March 16th if payment arrangements are not made. Families using Medicaid waivers and scholarships that cover or will cover the entire tuition will not be charged a late fee. If you need support, call or email Marina at [email protected] or 720-200-4389.
Early April: The YMCA lodging priority reservation web link for Adam’s Camp families is released. This link provides discounted lodging BEFORE YMCA lodging is offered to the general public, and we are so grateful for this accommodation. Once YMCA provides us with the details, we email them to you. All Therapy Camp families must stay at the YMCA or within the Granby area. Lodging outside of the YMCA is available now at your usual vacation lodging websites.
May 15th: All paperwork noted above is due. Campers cannot attend camp without ALL required paperwork. Failure to complete ALL required forms or make other arrangements with a Camp Manager by May 15th may result in a loss of camp placement for 2025.
May 16th: Summer Camp Staff start calling camper families to collect pre-camp goals and current information.
Final camp details will be emailed to camper families for their trip up the mountain to Adam’s Camp.
Therapy Camp Lodging Information
Therapy Camper families are required to stay at OR nearby the YMCA Snow Mountain Ranch. We highly recommend YMCA lodging for all families, especially first-time families. If you do not stay at the YMCA, remember to stay as close as possible to the YMCA for emergencies.
- The YMCA allows Therapy Camp families to reserve cabins, lodge rooms, and various styles of campsites before reservations are open to the public.
- There is a short reservation window of around 24 hours for Adam’s Camp families to take advantage of this wonderful gift.
- Once Adam’s Camp receives the date and/or the online reservation link, we will send it your email address on file.
- We will also send email reminders scheduled for three days prior, one day prior, and on the day the online reservation site opens.
- Reservations are NOT guaranteed; it is first come, first serve, so do your best to plan accordingly to reserve early.
- The announcement of the reservation opening day and the reminder emails will start in early to mid-April. Be on the watch for it.
If you choose NOT to stay at the YMCA, the YMCA charges a mandatory $250 off-site usage fee per family to access their amenities. We collect this fee for them by adding it to your camper invoice. The YMCA does not charge this fee to Adam’s Camp camper families that have received a scholarship to attend camp, and in this case, we will not add the fee.
Direct Communication Methods with our Adam’s Camp Team
- Therapy Camp Questions: Katy Dennison, 720-726-2911 or [email protected]
- Adventure Camp Questions: Justin Garrard, 303-563-8292 or [email protected]
- Early Start Questions: Elizabeth Black, or [email protected] (Seasonal Only)
- Smartsheet Questions: Marina Kinney, 720-200-4389 or [email protected]
- Billing Questions: Marina Kinney, 720-200-4389 or [email protected]