Why Adam’s Camp?
We have worked out all the details, so that Adam’s Camp is a treasured and therapeutic experience you and your camper will want to have each year.

Built on Heart, Passion and Skilled Staff
Adam’s Camp is built on heart, passion and the tremendous skills of our therapists, counselors and staff. We thoroughly vet each staff member to ensure they not only have the knowledge, but the personality and drive to push your child to achieve, whether it’s learning to walk or riding their first zip line.
Goal-Directed, Outcome-Based Therapy Programs
Our carefully designed, intensive, multi-disciplinary therapy programs focus on each child’s strengths to provide goal-directed, outcome-based treatment. Synergy, focus and extensive time dedicated specifically to enhancing skills make this a unique and powerful intervention. Attended by the whole family, activities and support are also provided for siblings and parents so that the entire family has the opportunity to realize potentials and develop strengths.
Adventure Camp Programs That Inspire Independence and Confidence
Adventure Camps are sleep-away camps full of fun, challenge and adventure for youth and adults. Campers enjoy activities that expand their social horizons and develop their courage to try new things while increasing independence and confidence.